Northern Europe

Got accepted to study abroad in Turku (South-West of Finland) for the fall semester 2010, I decided to join Finland by train (with an InterRail ticket), passing through Central and Eastern Europe during August 2010. Once arrived, I did a bike trip of five days and 300km around the islands of Aland (archipelago between Turku and Stockholm). Finland is famous for its beautiful nature and its cold winter. Erasmus schedule gives me time to visit surrounding baltic cities (Tallinn, Riga and Gdansk).

J’ai rejoins la Finlande pour un semestre d’étude à l’université de Turku. Comme d’habitude, j’en ai profité (et l’emploi du temps “Erasmus” m’a bien aidé) pour voyager un maximum dans les environs. J’en garde d’excellent souvenirs et particulièrement un trek à vélo sur les magnifiques iles d’Aland !

Cliquez sur les photos ci-dessous pour ouvrir la galerie correspondante.
Click on the pictures below to see more from Northern Europe.


Ruska Hiking

Baltic countries


Nordic Winter

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